Saturday, May 3, 2014

I Have a Confession!

Confession. One of the most important, yet nerve wracking parts of repentance. Why do I have to tell this old guy what I did? Why can't I just say sorry to God and be done with it?? Because thats not the easiest way to stop doing whatever it is you are doing! I say easy, though it is anything but easy.
If you were a river, you would take the path of least resistance on your way down the mountain. Confessing major sins to your bishop is like taking the path of least resistance. The longer you wait, the more you tell yourself that you don't need to, and the more you tell your friends and family that you forgot church started earlier today to avoid the sacrament (we've all done it!) the longer and more difficult it will be to get that peace bringing prize of forgiveness.
No it doesn't! Holy cow! Why is going to the bishop SUCH a big deal?? You are going to talk to someone who cares about you regarding a problem you are having a hard time defeating. These guys are pretty wise. They have been around the block a few times and have a gift from God to be able to assist you in that moment. All they gonna do, is give you some things to work on, let you know if you're good to take the sacrament, and then check up on you every week or so to see if you're feeling any better. Wah. Just do it! You feel a million times better after getting a little extra help, and you will have the direction you need to continue fighting those demons!
Speaking of the sacrament. If you find yourself in the position that you need to wait a few weeks or even a few months to take the sacrament, don't be ashamed. You are doing the right thing! Be comforted in the fact that you are brave enough to admit that now is not the right time for you to take it. And all you other people who maybe glance out of the corner of your eye to see a ward friend pass the sacrament along speedily and blush a bit; do. not. judge. them! Instead, congratulate them in your heart. What they are doing takes a lot of courage, sacrifice, and a large changing of the heart! THATS SO COOL! People are changing! They're taking their life by the reins and saying, THIS good gospel life style is what I want! If anything, be a better friend to them. Make sure they are invited to things, that they feel welcomed in classes and that they have a friend in you. It can be the difference between them beating that demon to a pulp, or slowly drifting back to whatever darkness they were previously lost in. It really is that simple.
On one final note, I would like to briefly talk about the actual talking to the bishop part. I know a lot of people who have felt uncomfortable with something a bishop said, and have decided to take a break from the church. (and thats ok, its their life). But I just want to say that bishops are awesome MEN. They are not the all overpowering authority. They make mistakes just like we do. Those interviews are just as scary and awkward for them! So if a bishop says something that makes you uncomfortable, tell him. How can he know and fix the problem if he has no idea you feel that way? Lets say he is asking you for more details of a confession than what you are comfortable with. Respectfully let him know that that makes you feel uncomfortable and that you feel you have given him enough information for him to help you. Remember, this is YOUR life and you should always listen to the spirit. I am in no way encouraging you to start battles with your bishops or to not accept advice that may be a little hard to take because you are feeling bad about what you did. But legitimately, listen to the spirit if you are not feeling ok about something a bishop said, and don't be afraid to speak up! ITS YOUR LIIIIIIIFE AND ITS NOW OR NEVER!! BON JOVI WANTS YOU TO LIIIVE!

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